Waza Kote

Waza Kote

Basic Seme and strike Kote when your opponent raises his hands.
Debana Kote (DeGote) -Ōji Waza
Foot work Detail For Zanshin (残心) After Debana Kote
Foot work and body posture for final Zansin
Debana Kote with Hiraki Ashi
Foot Work for Debana Kote with Hiraki Ashi
Men-Feint and strike Kote with one step
Men-Feint and strike Kote with two steps (Tsugi-Ashi)
Men-Seme, Katsugi and strike Kote with two steps (Tsugi-Ashi)
Omote-Harai-Otoshi and strike Kote with two steps (Tsugi-Ashi)
Ura Harai-Age (Suri-Age) and strike Kote with one step