Basic Seme and strike Kote when your opponent raises his hands. | |
Debana Kote (DeGote) -Ōji Waza | |
Foot work Detail For Zanshin (残心) After Debana Kote | |
Foot work and body posture for final Zansin | |
Debana Kote with Hiraki Ashi | |
Foot Work for Debana Kote with Hiraki Ashi | |
Men-Feint and strike Kote with one step | |
Men-Feint and strike Kote with two steps (Tsugi-Ashi) | |
Men-Seme, Katsugi and strike Kote with two steps (Tsugi-Ashi) | |
Omote-Harai-Otoshi and strike Kote with two steps (Tsugi-Ashi) | |
Ura Harai-Age (Suri-Age) and strike Kote with one step | |